Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week One and then some

I will read anything. I read books for adults, kids, teens, audiobooks, picture books, fiction, nonfiction. I might say I don't really love mysteries or romances, but I do like books that have an element of those things in them. Give me any book, any time, and I can read it. This is why I'm in 2 book clubs. It helps me focus on reading things that I might not think of on my own. Because I can really be paralyzed by choice, by piles of books, by the new carts in the shipping room, by things I read which make me think of other things.

So for my blog assignment, I 'm going to follow The Daily Beast, because it's one site I don't normally read. And I'm going to follow because that is a genre that I do like and it's always good to know what the newest is - and this in one genre that doesn't get widely reviewed elsewhere.