Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Week Four : Goodreads

I use the CRAP out of Goodreads! I put every book I read that is for an audience of 10 years old or older on there. (I don't bother with picture books.)

I've reviewed 565 books and have 3 pages of shelves. I've been active for over 5 years!

One of my favorite things about Good reads is the fact that when you tag heavily, it's so easy for you to make recommendations to others. I often get questions from friends about books for a child, and I can just go to my shelf for that age group, sort by ratings so the highest stuff shows up first, and use it as a memory jog for other things.

I did this when I recommended a book to Alex. His reading taste to seems to match mine pretty closely, at least when it comes to adult books. So I went looking for a "sleeper" amongst my 5* books, and found Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman. Heavily hyped in its native UK, it didn't get as much attention here (it IS very British) but was one of my favorite books of 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for recommending this one, Jamie. I remember seeing Pigeon English back when it was new and the cover caught my eye, because I'm superficial like that. Just from a quick flip-through I can tell the narrator has a unique voice. Looking forward to reading it!

