Thursday, June 6, 2013

Week 5 : Building Base Knowledge

Since week 1, I've been "following" the Daily Beast. However, I don't love it and that's mostly from the layout. The site is all headlines and involves lots of clicking through. The OCD nature of the internet, at least to me, often has "clicking through" seem like too much work! Why should I click through with just a headline or half a sentence? I hate clicking through!

Early Word does not do that. There are links to more information, but the full story is pithy and all right there. One thing I've loved about Early Word since the beginning are the links down the side. Publisher catalogs, publisher representatives, they are all there. It's really a one-stop shop for people in our profession and I can't recommend it enough.

I clicked through from Early Word to the Atlantic recommended books of 2013. I am curiously awaiting Stephen King's sequel to The Shining, titled Doctor Sleep. The main character of Danny, who was a little boy in the orginal, is now all grown up. This preview makes me feel like this one will be even more suspenseful and scary - but can it live up to the beloved Shining? A book I have read multiple multiple multiple times? Ah, it's the dilemma of every sequel!

It will definitely appeal to those who read the original, probably more than the casual reader. But how many people who like suspenseful horror will NOT have read The Shining?!

This is the challenge of "appeal factors." There is an underlying emotion to books that often can't be named - it's how a book speaks to you at a certain time of your life. This has as much to do with my love of The Shining than the story or appeal!

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