Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Week 9 - Book trailers and completion

As an impatient person, I'm not a PERSONAL fan of Book Trailers. I usually have plenty to read, and watching a video, even one that is only a minute or two long, is not something I often do. I'd rather just skim a review.

AND, when I do stumble upon one, like this one for the Shining Girls, I'll watch it, but even though the trailer looked good, I heard not-so-good reviews about the book, and it fell to the bottom of the pile anyway.

That being said, I know that people who might not be as avid readers, or are more visually oriented, might enjoy a book trailer and be more enticed by them.

And so now we are done! Even though I was a small part of creating this training, I was not instrumental in all of it. I especially liked the parts that allowed me to think like a branch librarian, and recommend titles for theoretical patrons.

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